Matheus Neumann Studio - Matheus Pereira Neumann aus Berlin

Matheus Neumann Studio

Neue Schönhauser Str 10178 Berlin
+4915733493218 95 EUR / Stunde

Nachricht an Matheus Neumann Studio

Kannst Du Dich kurz vorstellen?

My name is Matheus Neumann. I'm a Brazilian photographer based on Berlin.
Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work in different areas of photography, from weddings and portraits to product shoots. I also dedicate part of my work to personal projects focused on sensual and artistic photography.
I have a small studio in the heart of Berlin, where I do most of my sessions, but I’m always happy to shoot on location if needed. My goal is to capture authentic moments and create images that tell stories, convey emotions, and make people feel amazing.
I’m always open to new challenges and excited to explore different ideas and concepts. If you have a project in mind, let’s talk! Who knows? We might create something unique together.

Kannst Du Dich noch an Dein erstes Foto erinnern? Was war es?

I remember having a digital Sony camera that my sister and I used to do photo shoots at home. We were so young, but even then, I always loved being the one behind the camera.

Wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

When I turned 16, I bought my first Canon T3i camera with an 18-135mm lens. That was my first contact with what we used to call a professional camera, and that day, I realized I wanted to work with photography.

At university, I had the opportunity to take some photography classes, which helped me develop my skills much further. When I moved to Berlin in 2019, I started working as a freelance photographer, focusing on portraits.

Wann bist Du mit Deiner Arbeit zufrieden?

Yes, I feel satisfied. But I’m always willing to give my best and improve by listening to my clients' feedback. I believe communication is crucial for achieving the best results and for helping me feel truly satisfied with my work.

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