My name is Elizabeth Holiarchuk, I’m a professional business & event photographer based in Hamburg and serving clients across Europe.
My journey into photography and why it's so significant to me is a story worth sharing. It all started when I worked at a Ukrainian startup incubator and promoted a startup culture among the young generation. My responsibilities ranged from coordinating press conferences with the government to organizing hackathons in train without internet access. During this time, I found my greatest inspiration in people who were truly passionate about their work. I was fortunate to work alongside such energetic and dedicated professionals.
Despite my finance background and naturally organized and structured nature, I always felt the need for creativity. This drove me to make a career change. One day, I decided to buy a camera, delve into photography, and continue working in innovation, business, and event management, but in a new role – that of a photographer.
You can leave your request, write to me by mail and I will do it. everything is possible to give an answer within 24 hours
If we’re talking about portrait photography, it’s the right mood, openness, and honesty of the person in front of the camera. A professional photographer knows not only the technical side of photography, but also how to work with people, and their psychology, and will be able to make this new experience "safe" for a person.
If we are talking about reportage photography, then the photographer's most important task is to be in the moment and observe everything and everyone that is happening around. Sincere enjoyment of the moment, the day, can help you see and photograph the best shots and situations
What I love most about photography is that I can help other people achieve their goals by showing my vision. The wide variety of interesting projects and people make this job the most interesting
I specialize in business portraits and event photography. The peculiarity of this format is that it is not completely art, here it is important to understand the business component and the ecosystem in which clients work.
Only professionals can give the best service, life hacks, and tips gained during practical experience. Only professionals can give the best service, life hacks, and tips gained during practical experience. I see how we can achieve the best-desired result, by spending a minimum of time
I constantly continue to learn and develop myself, everything from mentors and coaches to short life hacks in TikTok comes to the rescue
Professional equipment is an important part of the work, gives better image quality, and has more tools for experiments. The quality of the product that I give is the basis.
When I first started, I already had a large community in Ukraine. The first orders came from people I worked with at my previous job when I was an event manager, not a photographer. They trusted me and saw how I treated tasks, deadlines, and promises.
Decide for yourself which direction of photography you are interested in. Work on your reputation, don't be afraid to experiment. A high-quality picture is the basis, but service at the highest level for each client is also an integral part of a photographer's work.
It is necessary to invest in: education, professional equipment, network, reputation, psychology and service
"Eine sehr professionelle und angenehme Fotografin, die es kompetent schafft, exzellente Momente zu erwischen. Die Fotos waren hervorragend und unsere Gäste waren sehr angetan von der Freundlichkeit und den Fotos. Absolute Empfehlung!"
Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Fotostudio in Hamburg? Zum Beispiel für deine Hochzeit oder ein besonderes Shooting? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Hier findest du 8.000 Profis wie Business & Event Fotografin.
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