JULIEN FERTL PHOTOGRAPHY - Julien Fertl aus Erlangen


Friedrich-List-Straße 4 91054 Erlangen
0049 151 15 22 20 20 julienfertl.de


My name is Julien Fertl and I am a photographer living in Erlangen (Germany). I was born in Corbeil-Essonnes (France) in 1989 and studied Design at the Technical University Georg-Simon-Ohm in Nuremberg. During those 3.5 years my focus was on photography, graphic-design and illustration. In the context of an internship I served as an assistant of Berthold Steinhilber, a well-known Stuttgart photographer, in 2012. After graduating in March 2014, inter alia I took photos for “Meramo Verlag GmbH”, publisher for the “Federal Employment Agency (BA)” as well as for the “Chamber of Commerce and Industry”. Furthermore I am working as a freelance photographer for a number of different clients specialized in event-, product- and portrait-photography as well.

Have fun discovering my portfolio!