Diana Kryvoruchko aus Rödermark

Diana Kryvoruchko

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 27 63322 Rödermark
+4917640090977 200 EUR / Stunde (mind. 1 Stunden)

Kannst Du Dich kurz vorstellen?

My name is Diana and I am your photographer.
The journey as a photographer started in my teenage years in Ukraine. Since then it has become not just a hobby, but also my passion and a part of my life. Every shot and every moment I capture comes from the heart.
In my still young age (22) I had the opportunity to travel through different countries like Germany, Poland, Finland, Zanzibar, Turkey, Italy, USA (and more) and gain many experiences. During these travels I have been to Frankfurt a few years ago and it captured my heart.
This year I came to Frankfurt because of the war in Ukraine and decided to build my photographic career in Germany.

Kannst Du Dich noch an Dein erstes Foto erinnern? Was war es?

At the age of 13, I went to a photo club, where I started taking my first photos. And I photographed my younger brother on my first camera. I still have that photo.

Wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

I was bored and went to many circles, one of them was photography. Now what I do - it’s best thing in my life

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Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Fotostudio in Offenbach? Zum Beispiel für deine Hochzeit oder ein besonderes Shooting? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Hier findest du 8.000 Profis wie Diana Kryvoruchko.

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