Yanina Isla aus Berlin

Yanina Isla

Freelance Fotografin und Videografin mehr ...

Hobrechtstrasse 18 12047 Berlin
yaninaisla.com 100 EUR / Stunde (mind. 2 Stunden)

Yanina Isla aus Berlin Yanina Isla
I am a photographer and audiovisual designer, based in Berlin. My photographic work evolves around visual storytelling, focusing on atmospheres, people and moments. I graduated as a Image and Sound Designer from the University of Buenos Aires and since then, I have worked in film, television, livestream and photo and video documentations. Some of my current clients are Bergman Week Film Festival, Studio Olafur Eliasson, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Domestika, Boiling Head Media, Kapsel Magazine and St. Oberholz.

Nachricht an Yanina Isla

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I am a photographer and audiovisual designer, based in Berlin. My photographic work evolves around visual storytelling, focusing on atmospheres, people and moments. I graduated as a Image and Sound Designer from the University of Buenos Aires and since then, I have worked in film, television, livestream and photo and video documentations. Some of my current clients are Bergman Week Film Festival, Studio Olafur Eliasson, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Domestika, Boiling Head Media, Kapsel Magazine and St. Oberholz.

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