/akirawisnu/ - Wisnu Harto Adiwijoyo aus Goettingen


Wisnu Harto Adiwijoyo Immanuel-Kant-Strasse 37083 Goettingen

Kannst Du Dich kurz vorstellen?

My name is Wisnu, and I am doing Photography for fun. My main job is actually as a researcher, but since 2015 I was doing Photography and have taken formal certification in RMIT Australia. My Photography genre is mainly Outdoor Portrait, or Landscape Photography during my travel. I would say I am your friendly neighborhood Photographer.

Kannst Du Dich noch an Dein erstes Foto erinnern? Was war es?

My first one....ummmm, I think just random photo of my toys when I was kid. But my first Professional photoshoot was for a portrait for a friend back in Canberra

Wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

I feel it is a nerdy hobby that require travel and talking to people, so it is an interesting mix that I love :)

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