My name is MO, I am a Freelance Photographer from Cape Town, South Africa, I travel to Germany frequently every year.
I was always drawn to Photography as a Child, and stated experimenting with Cameras during my School dayts
There is a saying that your best Photograph is the next Photograph, so I suppose one is looking to always improve, satisfaction comes with time.
I shoot many genres, however, central to each of them, is to find moments, that elevate the photograph from a snapshot to a great shot.
The ability to read"" light and understand the nuances of composition is something that is developed with experience
By looking at peers work. Attending workshops, watching industry trends and presentations by leaders in the industry
We live in a technological world so over time reliance on technology helps streamline ones workflow.
I built up a portfolio of images in the genres that I was interested in shooting to be able to present my work to potential Clients
It is what one needs to add the finishing t ouches to what has already been captured. However I am a firm believer in not adding anything that was not there when the image was captured. Sometimes one has to remove distracting elements that have been captured.
Pay attention to detail. Lean to be critical of quality of your work. Don.t be afraid to try different techniques, only then will you discover new ones.
Workshops, training, perhaps working with a mentor. It's important to get external guidance because you have an emotional connection with your work, so external constructive criticism will help you develop as a better Photographer
Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Fotostudio in Hannover? Zum Beispiel für deine Hochzeit oder ein besonderes Shooting? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Hier findest du 8.000 Profis wie Mo Bassa.
Gib in der Suche deine Stadt ein und entdecke passende Fotostudios, zum Beispiel in Hannover. Du kannst Portfolios durchstöbern und das Studio wählen, das am besten zu dir passt.
Im Anfrageformular kannst du Angebote von Fotostudios aus Hannover erhalten. Fülle das Formular aus und gib deine Wünsche an. Wir kümmern uns darum, dass dir Angebote von Profis wie Mo Bassa zugeschickt werden. Du kannst die Angebote vergleichen und das Studio wwählen, das am besten zu dir passt.