Kannst Du Dich kurz vorstellen?

i am andrea lombardi (he/they), i am visual artist, I left Italy after my diploma to study in the Royal academy of Art in the Hague, netherlands, where i’m currently based.
my practice started with photography and video making to then discover performance and installation, it evolved in time on observing and studying peoples interaction and their way to approach today's reality.
i also enjoy photography in its wholeness, i really enjoy to be busy with photoshoot or to document events, parties and performances of any kind!

Kannst Du Dich noch an Dein erstes Foto erinnern? Was war es?

i took my first photo when i was 4 years old haha, i don't remember but i know that i never left a camera

Wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

i alway was interested in visual arts, movies and performances, and my parents also have a past with art, i had my fisrt compact when i was really small, but when i got 15 i recieved my first semi professional camera and i started studying by myself to then discover my biggest passion and what i work for

Wann bist Du mit Deiner Arbeit zufrieden?

usually when have a good comunication with who i am working with, i do like what i shoot most of the time, but i enjoy more if i know that is what it was wanted. i don't mind freedom on some decision but o like a clear comunication

Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, um Kontakt zum Fotografen aufzunehmen?

a bit before a shooting, to know if there is a theme or something to be aware of, or if it's needed to talk about the shooting, the time that is considered necessary to preprare the shooting

Was macht Deiner Meinung nach ein gutes Foto aus?

of course it depends from what we are looking for, but a good picture can be created from the story that is bringing or for the concept, or maybe is based the shape and colors, so can be mostly for a visual pleasure

Was gefällt Dir an der professionellen Fotografie am meisten?

when is about pubblic events i always enjoy the fact that there is a documentation of the event, maybe for some people, as it would be for me, is important to have a visual memory or is nice to remember a moment with a picture.

Was ist das Besondere an dem Genre, auf das Du Dich spezialisiert hast?

i started my career with street photography and documentaristic project, i like to observe, to have a complete awarness of a situation and knowing what is particular about it, i like to notice little things that maybe not everyone might grab

Welche Details sieht nur ein Profifotograf?

i think is about the moment of a photo, what spcific detail is wanted in the picture or in the moment

Was möchtest Du mit Deinen Fotos ausdrücken?

sometimes pure beauty, sometimes i want to have a documentation of something but i like for people to have a look at my picture and feel something familiar, a feeling of reassurance when i can but also to bring questions and issue with the stories i tell

Wie wichtig ist Technik beim Fotografieren?

i am not a big fan of technology, i have a good quality camera and a good laptop to be able to work on my pictures professionally but i also enjoy the style and vibe of compact cameras, or analog devices.

Was hast Du gemacht, um die ersten Fotoaufträge zu bekommen?

i kept asking around, if anyone needed a photographer, to start with parties of friends, or ask people i knew to model for me to study the light, reach out to events i was interested in

Welchen Stellenwert hat die digitale Nachbearbeitung für Dich?

it really depends from the porpouse, i have a certain morality on it, i don0t use it to modify shapes of body or to reach standards that are considered not healthy, but i enjoy it to modify the mipcture if the light or the colors does not work, or if there is an item that i can remove or add!

Welche Tipps würdest Du einem Hobbyfotografen geben, um bessere Fotos zu machen?

to be honest what i learned that you just need to try and not be let down if you think is not good, if you have an idea just try it and just do it for every idea you have, whatever is about, to always have your camera with you and just give try out to moments and or staged situations

Worin sollten angehende Fotografen und Fotografinnen unbedingt investieren und warum?

i would say, more then a good quality camera, to understand the reason why you want to use a camera, how you want to use it and what you want to convey to people who look at your work. not always a good camera makes a good picture

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